
Introducing myself

January 15, 2014

This will be the only long post I would ever do in my new blog

Who I am...

I am a digital media designer and moving picture producer. I work constantly with images online and new media. This is not all, I am  in the middle of master studies in audiovisual communication.

Well... paper is my hobby! I love to color, paint, mix, cut, glue, decorate, stamp, try out things, you name it!! that is why I call my self Warac Artist (Paper Artist).

I am 35 years old and travelled a lot, lived in several countries and this makes me a high multi-cultured person, as I learned so much from others.

I have sattled in Sweden since 2007. I don't plan to travel anymore, I guess! I live now in Borlänge of almost 50,000 inhabitant, and studying in neighbour town Falun. I live in the middle of Sweden.

How I started..

I drew in my childhood and my teachers used to hang my drawing on the wall as one of the best drawing in classroom. I also used to draw caricature in my teenage for fun. Then the life was not as I wished until I came to Sweden.

2008 I started to draw as I have never touched a pencil! I couldn't draw at all. So, I started from the beginning. I took online courses and even in a university. But mostly I teached myself. 3 years later I started to teach Promarkers techniques and tips to other and the course is getting more popular.

I have developed myself and I now a member in Folk University and I do classes in Promarkers and Mixed media. I love to see the engaged students developing their skills with using promarkers in just 2 hours class!

What I do now...

Plans, I am preparing for advanced promarkers techniques and Airbrush system. I am also getting the courses ready to be given online. It just takes time to make a decent website for that reason. =)

This is not all, I am also preparing for my first exhibition in May 2014.

Since January 2014, I have became a Design Team Member for Scrappaloss. Very talented Swedish group that creates everything you can or can't imagine =). I am very proud to be with them and looking for a very rich DT period!

What inspires me...

Talented people out there qround the internet are a major inspiration for me. Usually anything around can inspire me to create something!

What I am good and bad at...

I learn quickly, this is a talent I guess. I can image softwares, like Photoshop and illustrator and video editing, effects.... I can design my own cutting files on my Pazzles Inspiration that I love! it cuts almost anything!!

What I am very bad at is sewing!! I hate garns, stitching and everything has to do with threads!! =)

Which time I create...

mostly night time... I get inspired. When I create during dag, I usually regret my work, in other words, I don't like it later, haha.

How do I organize myself...

Hmmm, as long as I find my stuff I call myself organized!!

What I create for things..

I do cards, art journals, acrylic painting on canvas and other material, altered art and seasonal crafts. I love best to create cards and journal arts. But I love simplicity that is very obvious in my work.

My like, deco art, vintage and steampunk.

My blogg..

I have my own blog at paperblog.waracartist.com, I do inspiration posts at scrappaloss.blogspot.se. and of course I will continue blogging here.

Here are some examples showing my style. I hope I inspire someone!

This is my new art journal cover for 2014. It is name is Our journal 2014 because I intend to share it with the world. =)

Those were colored with promarkers.

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